HomePosts tagged: Zig Ziglar

Posts tagged: Zig Ziglar

Vol 2 #5-Always Up?

Better Than Good and Improving™ Vol 2 #5 Hello friends and thanks for reading this installment of Better Than Good and Improving™.  Sometimes it is easy to believe that motivational speakers, podcasters, bloggers, etc. want to portray themselves are always being up.  I remember Zig Ziglar saying something to the effect that someone who is always on, is on something!  …

Vol 2 #4-Motivation vs Bathing

Better Than Good and Improving™ Volume 2 #4 So recently I cranked up Zig Ziglar’s How to Stay Motivated series as we rode around in the car.  In my mind one of the most important points in the entire series has to do with bathing and motivation.  People used to challenge Zig on whether motivation lasts.  In his own whimsical fashion, he would respond …

Vol 2 #2 “… greatest discomfort … largest opportunity…”

“…the place where your greatest discomfort lies is also the spot where you largest opportunity lies.” The Spellbinder in The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma That is a line is my most recent self-education / self-uplift book purchase on my personal journey to Better Than Good and Improving™.  It is my intense desire to not simply talk the talk.  …

Vol 1 # 9 Expunge those negative thoughts

Expunge.  Now there is a word for you.  Zig Ziglar used to talk about how expanding your vocabulary would increase your IQ.  He gave practical advice for accomplishing that by putting a dictionary in the bathroom and making a point to read from it with every visit.  In a similar vein, I personally subscribe to one of the word of …

Vol 1 # 8 Gratitude

Recently two concepts have shown up repeatedly.  The first is gratitude.  Like many folks, I have a day job.  In my case it is at a Fortune 500 manufacturing company, more specifically, a multi-national corporation or MNC in academic parlance.  You would expect to see the usual please, thank you, and your welcome, at least from some people.  I recently …