Vol 1 # 6-It’s a Journey, not a Destination
Today I want to share that we must constantly remind ourselves that success is a journey and not a destination. I truly wish I knew who to attribute that to. A simple search of the web turns up many people saying it. Regardless of the real author, for me and countless others, the statement is absolutely true. How hollow a …
Vol 1 # 2 If you think you can, you CAN AKA The Law of Attraction
Hello again and welcome. Today I would like to share some positive thoughts on a concept called the law of attraction. The Bible tells us to ask and we will receive. Henry Ford is credited with having said whether you think you can or think you cannot, you are right. In Positive Thinking Every Day by Norman Vincent Peale (Simon …
Vol 1 #1 What an Outlandish Claim!
Better Than Good and Improving™ What an outlandish claim? How can anybody be doing that well? Even more so, how can they be improving on better than good? In this inaugural blog, I intend to share with you answers to those questions and many more. Stay tuned for practical thoughts and things that will hopefully intrigue you to also become …
Welcome to Better Than Good and Improving ™
Welcome to Better Than Good and Improving™. We are in our early stages of introducing the blog and look forward to our interactions with you as we celebrate your personal journey to Better Than Good and Improving™. Better Than Good and Improving™ is a trademark of DebEd, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.