Better Than Good and Improving™
Vol 2 #6
Hello friends and welcome back to this installment of Better Than Good and Improving™. Today I want to share a bit on personal inspiration. By that I mean inspiring yourself, motivating yourself, and congratulating yourself for accomplishment, as opposed to just activity. By now you have most likely seen or at least heard of the YouTube video of Admiral William H. McRaven. In it, Admiral McRaven says that to change the world, start by making your bed. The concept that he shares is simple; by making your bed you have your first accomplishment of the day and from there it becomes easier to accomplish many more things.
Accomplishment is vitally important. All too often we confuse activity for accomplishment. Previously, every night I would print a set of 3X5 cards for the next day. They all had the exact same information. There were the few affirmations I had written for myself, and then the tasks (activities) divided into four sections, morning, afternoon, early evening, and night. They never changed. At the end of the day, I would look at everything I (thought) I had accomplished. They were activities that can be summarized in three words: my daily rituals.
Everyone has a set of rituals, I have referred to them as ceremonies, in prior blogs, whether you realize it or not. Stop and say aloud to yourself, what happens the first five minutes after your opportunity clock (don’t dare call it an alarm clock) sounds. Then the next 30 minutes to an hour. What about the final hour of the night? Those are your rituals. If we must tick them off to stay on target, simply write down daily rituals – one line. You know what they are because you do them every day. Don’t do as I was doing and count those as accomplishment.
In a similar vein, I have discovered the truth in something Zig Ziglar said about the Ziglar Performance Planner. Schedule your exercise time, your family time, your ____________ (fill in the blank) time. When I wrote down in my daily priority list meditation, yoga, the list goes on, those things easily ended up with a red highlight and strike through, indicating not done. Now, when I prepare my daily priority list and daily schedule, I make an appointment with myself to accomplish those and other things. It really works; give it a try.
Thanks for stopping by on your way to Better Than Good and Improving™.
Yours Aye,
Dr. Edward M. Dunlap, Jr AKA Doctor D
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