Volume 2 #4
So recently I cranked up Zig Ziglar’s How to Stay Motivated series as we rode around in the car. In my mind one of the most important points in the entire series has to do with bathing and motivation. People used to challenge Zig on whether motivation lasts. In his own whimsical fashion, he would respond that neither does bathing and he would strongly encourage both on a regular basis. There was always a big belly laugh from the audience. I admit that regardless of the number of times I have heard that routine, as a minimum I smile broadly. Most days I laugh out loud.
The key point that I want to make, and I am talking to myself as much as I am anyone else, is that we all need daily doses of motivation. I have four things that I use daily for motivation. The first is my daily devotion. I read from one of many available Christian devotional texts and I read my Bible. Two of the other three are one of Zig’s books, Inspiration 365 Days A Year (simple truths), and another comes
from Normal Vincent Peale, Positive Thinking Every Day (Simon and Schuster).
Both of these are based on the calendar with an uplifting quote or comment for every day of the year. The third, admittedly is a new age app. I choose to and intentionally change the word universe and others like it into the word God or Christ so that for me I remove the new age aspects. This is a case where I have found a way to apply the timeless Biblical principles, which it does contain, for my own good while removing the new age aspects which are contrary to my Christian beliefs. I am very particular about things that I would openly and wholeheartedly recommend to my readers and friends. As the Bible say, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36 KJV).
Back to the concept of daily motivation. You must find what works for you. My routine works for me and my schedule. There is a ceremony, if you would, that will work for you. Find it; have those moments along with meditation every day and it will help you to move towards Better Than Good and Improving™.
Thanks for stopping by on your way to Better Than Good and Improving™.
Yours Aye,
Dr. Edward M.
Dunlap, Jr AKA Doctor D
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