Better Than Good and Improving™
Vol 2 #3
Today I want to share with you a set of words. There words are health, wealth, happines and success. A second set is abundance
and prosperity. Why these words and what is the significance of each word?
Let’s start with the word health. Being a survivor, actually I should say thriver, of prostate cancer nearly twenty-five years ago at a very young age, the answer should be obvious. It has been said that some spend their health gaining their wealth and then they spend their wealth trying to regain their health. I see it a bit differently. If wealth includes health, then those folks spent their health on their riches and then spent their riches on their health and they are neither wealthy nor healthy. Luckily, that has not been the case for me and everyday I work on my health and my wealth. Taking care of your health is one step on the path to Better Than Good and Improving™.
That moves us from the word health to the word wealth. Please do not confuse riches with wealth. Wealth does not and never will be synonymous with riches. As an example, by no means can anyone accuse Mother Teresa of being a rich person. Simultaneously she was wealthy beyond the imagination of the richest Texan who every lived. It is worth mentioning that Abraham had more cattle than the richest Texan you can imagine.
The point to all that? First, riches are relative. Anyone who lives in the United States of America and is employed is richer than such a vast percentage of the world population that the ratio is mind boggling. So, it is imperative that we move beyond the concept of rich and move to wealthy. So choose to be wealthy and take another step towards Better Than Good and Improving™.
Wealthy is a state of mind. Yes, it includes money and at the same time it includes so much more. It includes love, family, satisfaction, and more. Again, look at Mother Teresa and so many others who had no monetary riches and yet there were wealthy beyond belief. Then we move to happiness, which is another aspect of wealth. Another state of mind, another choice, we choose to be happy. So, decide today to be happy! Happiness is another step towards Better Than Good and Improving™.
Next, we come to the that every elusive attitude of success. Caution: success is not a when or a where. As I share in other blog
entries, success is a journey and not a destination. If a person has the three former items, health, wealthy, and happiness, then they are a success. Do not define success based on the size of the house you live in, the type of car you drive, or how much money you have in
the bank. All of those things are fleeting and can be lost without a moment’s notice. One description of success is the steady realization of a worthwhile goal and being well adjusted.
Next, we move to abundance and prosperity. This is the simplest of steps on the road to Better Than Good and Improving™. Quite simply, if we are healthy, wealthy, happy, and successful, using the definitions above, then quite simply we are abundant and prosperous. The most striking thing in all of this is, it is all a matter of attitude. So, make your attitude healthy, wealthy, happy, and successful. Then you too will be abundant and prosperous and without a doubt you will also be Better Than Good and Improving™.
Thanks for stopping by on your way to Better Than Good and Improving™.
Yours Aye,
Dr. Edward M.
Dunlap, Jr AKA Doctor D
Better Than Good and Improving™ is a trademark of DebEd, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. DebEd, Inc. is solely responsible for the content herein.
- Life Coach
- 14 Jan 2024
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