HomeLife CoachVol 1 # 8 Gratitude

Vol 1 # 8 Gratitude

Recently two concepts have shown up repeatedly.  The first is gratitude.  Like many folks, I have a day job.  In my case it is at a Fortune 500 manufacturing company, more specifically, a multi-national corporation or MNC in academic parlance.  You would expect to see the usual please, thank you, and your welcome, at least from some people.  I recently was on an email chain where one individual, let’s call him Joe, had for his signature line:

With gratitude,


I was absolutely awestruck that someone in a purely secular business setting would show gratitude.  From the context of the email there was nothing for Joe to be showing gratitude for.  Furthermore, it then became obvious that this is his standard email signature at work.  It was so gratifying, yes, I am showing gratitude, that I took the time, immediately, to send Joe an email letting him know just how much his signature affected me in a positive way.  In other words, I gave gratitude to Joe for him being grateful.  Think about it.  Just how much better a world would we live in today if we all became more grateful?  Zig Ziglar once said that if we are grateful for what we have, we will have more to be grateful for!

The other concept that I want to quickly share has to do with our inner thoughts and beliefs resulting and manifesting themselves in our outward actions.  One of the folks that I follow on Facebook and via email talks often about the inner creating the outer.  I also started reading a dollar Kindle book on my iPad that says the basic same thing.  What we think about and dwell on becomes our reality.  The Bible says it most clearly in Proverbs 23:7 “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he” (KJV).

So, what are you grateful for today and every day?  Start your day by writing down 10 things you are grateful for and see how much brighter your day is.  In terms of what you hold on the inside, make it the good, the clean, the powerful, and the positive like Zig used to say.  We all have much to be grateful for and there are many things we can hold in our hearts that will make our outer lives better.  Therefore, come with me on the journey to Better Than Good and Improving™.  May this a way of life for yourself and it will make a difference for you!

Thanks for stopping by on your way to Better Than Good and Improving™.

Yours Aye,

Dr. Edward M. Dunlap, Jr AKA Doctor D

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