HomeLife CoachVol 1 # 6-It’s a Journey, not a Destination

Vol 1 # 6-It’s a Journey, not a Destination

Today I want to share that we must constantly remind ourselves that success is a journey and not a destination.  I truly wish I knew who to attribute that to.  A simple search of the web turns up many people saying it.  Regardless of the real author, for me and countless others, the statement is absolutely true.

How hollow a life we would have if it was all about the destination.  The Bible asks what does it gain a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul (Mark 8:36 KJV).  On a similar vein, have you ever considered the difference between rich and wealthy?  True wealth does not require money.  Don’t get me wrong, life can be easier in many ways with money.  Again, quoting Zig Ziglar, “…money is not the most important thing in life but it is reasonably close to oxygen …”.

So how does one become wealthy and move to Better Than Good and Improving™ without being rich?  First, recognize that in all cases there are poor souls who are in far worse condition than you regardless of how bad you think you situation is.  Odds are good that if you are reading this, you are not homeless.  That condition alone indicates you have far better conditions than other.  Let’s say you are homeless, and you are reading this at a library or at a shelter.  At least for the moment you have a roof over your head.  How many people around the world do not even have that?  If you live in a first world country, you can rest assured that your income, regardless of how low it seems to you, far surpasses the income of most third world counties.  In fact, odds are you make in a month or even a week and in many cases in a single day far more than most third world country citizens make in an entire year.  To them you are rich beyond imagination.  Rich is relative, wealthy is absolute.  Without a doubt Mother Teresa was wealthy beyond measure.  She had the wealth of her relationship with God and then with the people she loved and served.  I do not know of anyone who would have called her rich.

One of the things that I personally am working on at the moment is to increase my gratitude.  At every meal when I say the blessing it contains the simple phrase, I / we are grateful for all our many blessings, thank you, thank you, thank you.  A simple statement of gratitude.  That alone goes a long way towards help me to stay Better Than Good and Improving™ and it will you as well.  So today, and everyday, outwardly express your gratitude, especially for the wealth that you already have in hand as you become Better Than Good and Improving™.

Thanks for stopping by on your way to Better Than Good and Improving™.

Yours Aye,

Dr. Edward M. Dunlap, Jr. AKA Doctor D

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