HomeLife CoachVol 1 #4 The number 7

Vol 1 #4 The number 7

Today’s topic comes from The 360° Leader by John C. Maxwell (Nelson Business).  The intent here is not to talk about leadership per se.  Remember, this blog is all about you and your journey, not destination, of being Better Than Good and Improving™.  As a reminder, that is an attitude not a platitude.  You decide to be Better Than Good and Improving™.  Part of that decision revolves around controlling your attitude all the time.

There is a chapter in Maxwell’s book on leading yourself.  In that chapter are many examples of what some people perceive as being a leader as well as discussion of what to do if you feel you have no one to lead (yet).  The chapter points out that in fact you always have at least one person to lead, yourself.  This self-management will in turn provide your manager with someone to go to when things are tough.

Maxwell then provides 7 things that belong to you that you must manage to properly manage yourself:

1 – Your emotions

2 – Your time

3 – Your priorities

4 – Your energy

5 – Your thinking

6 – Your words

7 – Your personal life

Have you noticed the importance of the number seven?  A twenty-one-gun salute has seven cannons firing three times, Stephen Covey told us about The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Free Press) and Maxwell lists the seven things to self-manage.  If you are serious about managing Maxwell’s seven, we suggest that you check out the Ziglar Performance Planner. I have used one for years, got my wife hooked on it, and now neither of us can live without it.  So, pick up your Ziglar Performance Planner today.

Thanks for stopping by on your way to Better Than Good and Improving™

Yours Aye,

Dr. Edward M. Dunlap, Jr AKA Doctor D

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