Vol 1 # 5 – Unchain Yourself
Today, I am going to continue the theme of book review on our quest to become Better Than Good and Improving™. A few blogs back I spoke of Dr. Shad Helmstetter and how he spoke of children being programmed and programmed incorrectly. Today let’s take a took at UNCHAIN THE ELEPHNAT by Erik Wahl (Sourcebooks, Inc.). In it is the …
Vol 1 #4 The number 7
Today’s topic comes from The 360° Leader by John C. Maxwell (Nelson Business). The intent here is not to talk about leadership per se. Remember, this blog is all about you and your journey, not destination, of being Better Than Good and Improving™. As a reminder, that is an attitude not a platitude. You decide to be Better Than Good …
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Vol 1 # 3 – Talk right to yourself to be Better Than Good and Improving™
So today I thought I want to expand on the prior post, which concluded with choose for everyday to be a good day. There is a book on my bookshelf that has been there for over 35 years. It is just as vital and important to being Better Than Good and Improving™ as it was the day I bought it. …
Vol 1 # 2 If you think you can, you CAN AKA The Law of Attraction
Hello again and welcome. Today I would like to share some positive thoughts on a concept called the law of attraction. The Bible tells us to ask and we will receive. Henry Ford is credited with having said whether you think you can or think you cannot, you are right. In Positive Thinking Every Day by Norman Vincent Peale (Simon …