HomeLife CoachVol 1 #1 What an Outlandish Claim!

Vol 1 #1 What an Outlandish Claim!

Better Than Good and Improving™

What an outlandish claim?  How can anybody be doing that well?  Even more so, how can they be improving on better than good?  In this inaugural blog, I intend to share with you answers to those questions and many more.  Stay tuned for practical thoughts and things that will hopefully intrigue you to also become Better Than Good and Improving™.

Before diving into the topic, let me start by saying that I need to show my gratitude to many people for getting the idea and starting this blog.  Primarily, I want to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  No, you have not stumbled onto a religious site.  Like others before me, I choose to violate the politically correct rules.  I am unabashedly Christian, and you will hear those beliefs come out on a regular basis.  If you find that off-putting, I suggest you look beyond that situation and find the truth in what we will share.  It is my hope that if you will stay with us long enough, you will open your heart to the words of Christ.

Next, I must give credit to the real source of Better Than Good and Improving™ as a phrase.  Were it not for Zig Ziglar and his many lectures, books, tapes, etc., I never would have produced that phrase as my signature for email, etc.  I have been using it for many years now and at my day job, people who know me have come to expect it as my answer when they ask the obligatory, how are you.  They also will often hear that everyday is a good day and if you doubt that fact try missing one.  Both of those, of course are Zigisms as I like to call them.

Enough of the background, let’s get to the meat of Better Than Good and Improving™.  Here you will find thoughts, ideas, and concepts that are intended to help you move to the state of Better Than Good and Improving™.  We will credit sources so that you can dig into them more.  When we find a source of encouragement, we will share those as well.  Please bookmark Better Than Good and Improving™ as one of your favorites and visit with us regularly.

So, what one thing should I share with you today?  At the risk of self-aggrandizement, I will point out that is possible to have and accomplish, very large dreams that take literally decades to accomplish.  In July of 1969, after a road trip all the way from the low country of South Carolina to New Port Beach, California and back, with lots of stops in between, I promised myself I would get my doctorate.  At the time I would have told you that it would be in electrical engineering.  Yes, I am that kind of geek even though I have not done any true EE work in an exceptionally long time.  Over the years, I came to believe my doctorate would be in statistics.  I love math.  Instead, in 2015 the opportunity to get a doctorate in business administration became available and on my birthday I took the next step in my doctoral journey.

I ran headlong into the opportunity.  Roll forward in time to 2019 and the school had a crisis; it lost its Title IV funding.  That is a death sentence for a private university, and it closed.  Determined not to walk away from a lot of hard work and what by this time had become a fifty-year goal, we researched, my wife was also in the program, and found another school to transfer to, The University of Charleston, Charleston, West Virginia.  As a result, in December of 2019, my wife, and I walked across the stage and received our Doctor of Executive Leadership degrees.

You see, it may not happen tomorrow, next week, next month, or even next year.  If you have a goal, and you follow a proven method, you can and will get there.  I am living proof.  So, you can see that I truly am Better Than Good and Improving™ and you can be too.  If you are looking for a goals system and a planner to go along with it to keep track, check out the Ziglar Performance Planner.  With that we will sign-off for today.  Choose for every day to be a good day!

Thanks for stopping by on your way to Better Than Good and Improving™.

Yours Aye,

Dr. Edward M. Dunlap, Jr AKA Doctor D

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